As many of you know, about 3 years ago I started my own S-corporation. The name of my business is Quality Cleaning, Inc. I specialize in commercial cleaning, rental cleaning, and construction cleaning. (I don't do residential cleaning though because then I would have to deal with people and a lot of people are dumb). It's been great because I was able to employ about 6 workers and send them out to do the cleaning while I stayed at home doing inventory, payroll, accounting, invoicing, picking up supplies, going to the bank, post office, etc., etc., etc. This allowed me to be a stay at home mom and bring in the money as well. (Don't get me wrong, it isn't as glorious as it sounds...there is quite a bit of stress that can be involved in owning a business.) know when things are going just great and you are just waiting for something to go wrong because you can't have that good of luck for a long time? It happened. One of my major commercial accounts (that was pretty much holding my business together) cancelled on me. I had a few smaller accounts cancel too...saying, "You're doing a great job cleaning, but the economy is doing so poorly right now we just can't afford a cleaning crew. Once we start doing better, we'll call you to come back". So to say the least...I had to let all of my workers go and I am cleaning the remaining accounts myself. Hopefully the economy will start to get better and I will get some more accounts. Meanwhile.....back to scrubbin' toilets!