Friday, October 22, 2010

Monster Cake Balls

Jordan had an assignment to bring in 30 Scary Halloween treats for his class. I made these cake balls. They are super easy to make. All you do is bake a cake and crumble it into a bowl. Then you add a container of frosting and mix. Roll into balls and freeze. After they are frozen, you dip them into melted chocolate. I also made a ton of chocolate covered pretzel sticks to stick in the sides so they would be spiders, but once I started sticking them in...they fell apart. So instead of making spiders...I piped faces on them with frosting and made "Monster Balls". What kind of fun Halloween treats are you making this year?

4 comments: said...

Scary Balls! I am sure Jordan love them.

Thanks for repairing my blog, I will get busy and put some pictures on it...a little at a time as I feel up to it.

Stacie said...

Very Cute

The Mrs. said...

You should try to put the pretzels in before you freeze it then just dip the whole concoction in chocolate. Maybe it won't fall apart that way?

Kelli said...

I made cake balls for the first time this year too! We made pumpkins on sticks (Dipped in orange white chocolate) with the stick at the top dipped in green chocolate. It was a lot of work but they were cute and really yummy.