Monday, March 22, 2010


Mason was playing with a toy that had several different colors.

Mason: Dad, what color is this?
Dad: Red
Mason: Great Job

Mason: Dad, what color is this?
Dad: Blue
Mason: Great Job

(This continues through all of the colors)

Mason: You're doing a great job on your colors Dad!

(Mason has known his colors for a long time now, and apparently Dad is doing a great job learning his colors too!)


Kelli said...

Well at least we know that he is receiving positve praise for his accomplishments!

Stacie said...

It shows that we better be careful on what we say to our kids. They really do listen to us. That is so cute.

nana said...

I love little kids! They make life so much fun. . .Marilyn said...

What a smarty pants. He is so cute. I think he will be a great teacher.