Monday, May 31, 2010

And it begins...

School has been out for about a week now and we have been enjoying the summer sun. Here's what we've been up to so far...
Playing on our swingset with neighbor kids Eating chocolate pudding...
Making Noah smile at us as much as possible...
Swimming in our kiddie pool...
Playing with friends as MUCH as possible (Lexi, Bella, Kaylee)...
And jumping on our new trampoline...
We've also played board games, watched movies from the library, read books from the library, and gone to at least 3 different parks in the last week. A short video...

Memorial Day 2010 from Kristi Farr on Vimeo.


Ron, Lori, Lacey, & Riley said...

Fun!! Let the summer begin!!! said...

Looks like everyone was having a great time!

Noah is a charmer! What a cute smile! I wish I could be there next weekend. He wasn't smiling last weekend!

Please take lots of pictures...You will have to be the one to write the blessing...darn.

Stacie said...

Looks like everyone is having a blast! The tramp was a smart move. My kids are going to beg for one once they spend a week at your house. Noah has grown so much already! Can't wait to hold him.

nana said...

Whew. . .I am exhausted and I just READ what you all are doing! Noah is a sweetheart. Marilyn